Publications Key competences
Key competences
The following key-competences should be taught to young students as early as possible so that they can contribute toward approaching sustainability:
Social Competence
The capacity to respect the dignity of all human beings as well
as their needs
Competence to learn
The ability to perform independent studies and evaluate results
by one self
Systems competence
The capacity to discern and take into consideration interdependencies,
time sequences and limits
Innovation competence
The ability to convert experience and knowledge into novel solutions
within existing boundary conditions
Communication competence
The ability to present and communicate complex issues in generally
understandable terms – preferably in several languages
The ability to participate actively in constructive discussions
Decision competence
The ability to arrive at decisions that reflect equal consideration
of ecological, social, economic , cultural and institutional consequences
Economic competence
The ability to increase wealth through market forces, respecting
ecological limits and social conditions
Productivity competence
The ability to meet needs with the least possible waste and generate
utility in the most cost effective fashion with the least amount of natural